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Automatic processing system for preserved fruit and glucose syrup in Jiangmen Food Factory
Automatic processing system for preserved fruit and glucose syrup in Jiangmen Food Factory
2024-09-18 16:35
The customer's factory is located in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. It has a number of internationally advanced biscuit and cake production lines with a production capacity of up to 700 tons per day. The production base has advanced design concepts and high-standard automation requirements. The automatic feeding system for preserved fruit/glucose syrup materials designed by our company for the customer's factory supplies 9 mixing pot use points. The system adopts an automatic heat preservation and heating control system, which not only ensures smooth material transportation, but also automatically and accurately measures and transports the required materials according to customer needs. The conveying capacity is up to 8T/H.
Ikklikkja hawn biex tistaqsi aktar informazzjoni dwar il-kwotazzjoni
The customer's factory is located in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. It has several internationally advanced biscuit and cake production lines with a production capacity of up to 700 tons per day. The production base has advanced design concepts and high-standard automation requirements.
The automatic feeding system for preserved fruit/glucose syrup designed by our company for the customer's factory supplies 9 mixing pot use points. The system adopts an automatic heat preservation and heating control system, which not only ensures smooth material transportation, but also automatically and accurately measures and transports the required materials according to customer needs. The conveying capacity reaches 8T/H.
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